Profile PictureLizzie

Ascertain with Astrology; Business Planning for Bosswitches

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Ascertain with Astrology; Business Planning for Bosswitches


Business planning for Bosswitches and Spiritpreneurs; utilising astrology for 13* key points of strategy, branding, marketing and public relations with your biz! Covering your brand messages, your mission, your tone of voice - even giveaways, gifts & discounts. You know what you're doing with your business... but sometimes you just need a little insight & inspiration!

It covers 13 key points of a chart that you as a beginner or experienced astrology lover can get stuck into. Each placement is explained in depth, and it covers everything from business tone of voice & communication to long-term goal planning and legacies.

50+ pages of business insight that provide guidance for witches, tarot readers, astrologers, podcast hosts, authors, creators, spiritual folx and SO many more! You don’t have to know everything about everything astrologically as I break it down for you, as well as there are bonus free resources shared that can help you further.

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50+ pages of business insight that provide guidance for witches, tarot readers, astrologers, podcast hosts, authors, creators, spiritual folx and SO many more!

261 MB
56 pages
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